TORRLUBE®真空油采用先进的氟合成技术改变了PFPE油的分子链结构,使它们在高温、高压下性能更强大更高效。 TLC真空油是专为苛刻条件和高真空环境应用而开发,可以在有氧环境下使用,耐燃耐腐蚀。TLC真空油在氧气系统中是安全的,它们是不易燃的,并且对腐蚀性化学品具有高度耐受性。 TLC真空油化学性质表现为惰性,因此可用在半导体和航天材料领域。
1. 耐高温度
2. 低蒸汽压
3. 极好的润滑性。
4. 不易燃。
5. 极好的惰性 - TorrLube润滑剂是惰性的,不会与半导体或航空航天工业中使用的大多数材料发生反应。
6. 耐腐蚀 –
7. 与氧气不反应
8. 低放气
9. 超长的保质期
TLC 13 has an estimated useful range of -17.6 to 675 F.
TLC 15 has an estimated useful range of -1.4 to 689 F.
Temperature – TorrLube lubricants can handle very high temperatures.
Low Vapor Pressure – TorrLube lubricants have very low vapor pressure.
Lubricity – TorrLube is an excellent lubricant under both atmosphere and vacuum.
Nonflammable – TorrLube lubricants do not ignite.
Non-Reactive – TorrLube lubricants are inert and do not react with most materials used in Semiconductor or Aerospace industries.
Chemical Resistance – TorrLube lubricants are resistant to most chemicals used in both Semiconductor or Aerospace industries.
Safe in Oxygen Service –TorrLube lubricants do not react with oxygen.
Low Outgassing – TorrLube lubricants display very low outgassing.
O-Ring Conditioning – Conditioning O-rings with TorrLube lubricants will enhance the surface of the O-ring making it less permeable and more supple, providing a better seal and extending uptime.
Shelf Life – TorrLube lubricants have infinite shelf life.