SantoTrac® 332-FG Food Grade Traction Fluid
- 产品名称SantoTrac® 332-FG Food Grade Traction Fluid
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SantoTrac 332-FG Traction Fluid is a low-viscosity synthetichydrocarbon-based traction fluid specially designed for high-speedoperations where low to medium film strength is desired. Thisproduct has a high coefficient of traction and is fortified with aproprietary additive system to enhance its antiwear and extremeload-carrying and high temperature properties. This product isespecially useful in operating environments that require enhancedoxidation stability and increased protection against rust andcorrosion. SantoTrac 332-FG carries H1 credentials and is thereforeacceptable as a lubricant with incidental food contact for use inand around food processing areas.