High Temperature Spindle Grease is an low-odor lubricant.
With no melting point and unlimited shelf life, High TemperatureSpindle Grease is stable in excessive heat and will not melt or runeven in direct flame.
Appliance motors
Dental drills
Brake calipers
All high speed rotating machinery
ConePenetration (ASTM D17) @ 77°F | |
Unworked | 319 |
Worked 60strokes | 347 |
Worked5,000 strokes | 345 |
Worked10,000 strokes | 345 |
Worked100,000 strokes | 350 |
ConePenetration (ASTM D1430) @ 77°F | |
Unworked | 320 |
Worked 60strokes | 347 |
OilSeparation (ASTM D1742) | |
24 hours@ 25°C and .25psi, % | 0.53 |
ShearStability (Extended work penetration) @ 77°F |
10,000strokes | 285 |
100,000strokes | 313 |
Oxidation Stability(ASTM D942) Pressure drop, PSI |
100hours | 32 |
400hours | 76 |
4-BallWear Test (ASTM D2266) 40kg, 1200rpm, 167°F 1 hour – average wear scar |
Diameter,mm | 0.46 |
AverageCoefficient of Friction | 0.455 |
4-BallExtreme Pressure (D2596) AISI E-52100 ball 1770rpm, 10 seconds, ambient temperature |
Load wearindex | 43.43 |
Weldpoint, kg | 400 |
Texture: | Smoothmixture, free of foreign matter |
Appearance: | Opaquelight bluish green in color |
DroppingPoint ASTM D566, °F | 500+ |
Waterwashout @ 100°F – % washout | 1.5 |